Laboratory Exercises

"What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I touch I understand."  Confucius
 "Peptidize" Me
Edible Cells

Popcorn Pyramids

Fossil Clues

our sedimentary jello
 Effects of Temperature on Enzymes
Have a Heart
"Better Red Than Dead"
Count your ATPs
Bone Lab
Cell Size-Is Bigger Better?
Those Wonderful Worms
Pop-It Genes
Amaryllis Project
Recipe for Amber
Digging for Fossils


Incredible Growing Cell
cell membrane
Lung Model
Poop and the Digestive System
Home Labs
Pooch Paternity

This painting by Georges Seurat, "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte" (1886) is an example of pointillism.  Using small dots or strokes of contrasting colors, artists can create subtle changes.  We see these same dots when a microscope resolves an image that is made of pixels.  The eye puts the image together, but it really is made of dots.
Chuck Close, a 20th century painter uses the same technique in this painting, "Self Portrait" (1997)




Homo sapien "stickman" and Canis familiaris go for a walk!





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