Follow-Up Questions on Squid

10. The squid has a complex eye, similar to the vertebrate eye. It can be dissected to find the lens. Why would a mollusk need such an eye?

11. Pick up the head and arms and feel the suckers! What is their function?

12. Gently separate the head and hold it in one hand. With your other hand, "peel back" the tentacles to reveal the hard beak. Remove the beak and examine it.

Analysis Questions:

1. Many people enjoy a dish called calamari? What is it? Show a food chain that would include you if you ate this delicious food.

2. What are the general characteristics of the Phylum Mollusca?

3. There are three major classes of this Phylum. Complete the chart below in your lab report:

Class Characteristics Examples



Clams, oysters, mussels









4. The "ink" of the squid is composed of melanin pigment and is thought to contain a substance that briefly deaden the olfactory senses of a predator. The chemical melanin has been found throughout the animal kingdom (including humans). How can you account for this?


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